“One of the Pleasantest Homes on the Island” A Genealogy of an Island Home with Eric Hall
6:30 – 8:30pm, August 22, 2024, Port Stanley Schoolhouse, 2970 Port Stanley Rd. “I love this place, and I often
Explore the Museum: News
6:30 – 8:30pm, August 22, 2024, Port Stanley Schoolhouse, 2970 Port Stanley Rd. “I love this place, and I often
Researcher Melissa Miner will give a talk on the Rocky Intertidal Zones of the Salish Sea on Nov 19th, as
Please join us on Saturday, October 22nd, 7:30 pm at the Lopez Center for Community & the Arts Dr. Julie
Linda Vorobik, botanist and illustrator, is hosting a wildflower walk to benefit the museum on May 7th, 2-4 p.m., at
Help us protect the gold under the rainbow! This year, our spring goal for the museum is to install two
Update: Please join us on September 19th at 3 p.m. at the outdoor pavilion at LCCA for a special event
Update: Please join us on September 19th at 3 p.m. at the outdoor pavilion at LCCA for a special event
Giant Creative Commerce, Nancy Nordhoff, Pamela McCabe, Randall & Karen Wilburn, Yvonne Israel-O’Hare & Dave O’Hare, Rob Hummel, Islanders Insurance, Spencer’s Landing, Windermere Real Estate Lopez / Annie Albritton, Charles Givens, Karen & Gary Alexander, Duane & Audrey Bordvick, Eric Meng & Anne Cady, Doug Johnson & Brigitte Fortin, George LeBoutillier, Lauren & Jamie Stephens, Spud & Karen Grimes, Dianne Pressenda, Mary Fagerholm Reece, Karen Rousseau, Jodi Green & Mike Halperin, Scott & Suzi Jennings, Paul Henriksen & Christa Campbell, Tom Ruggles & Gayle Isbell, Terry Larson & Nora McCloy, John & Carol Whetten, Steven Phelps