About: Lopez Island Historical Society

Lopez Island Historical Society & Museum auction to finish the building, late 1970s.


The Mission of the Lopez Island Historical Society is to collect, preserve, interpret, and share local history to increase awareness and appreciation of this resource for the benefit of future generations.

The Museum

The Lopez Island Historical Society Museum is located in the heart of Lopez Village at the corner of Weeks Road and Washburn Place.

Staff and Board

Executive Director: Amy Frost
Associate Director: Colin Walker
Research Assistant: Breton Carter
Museum Assistant: Valerie Yukluk

President: Tom Ruggles
Vice President: Mary Reese
Treasurer: Terry Larson
Secretary: Jack Pedigo
Trustees: Larry Cochran, Paul Henriksen, Lynn Thompson, Britney & Shawn Westervelt, Cheryl Harlan, Thomas Misa