Help us protect the gold under the rainbow! This year, our spring goal for the museum is to install two beautiful new doors that will be more inviting, secure, and weather tight. We want folks to know that, YES! We do have exhibits inside! We’ve heard all of you who have mentioned that our current doors are not very inviting. The old doors also are leaving something to be desired in terms of sealing the weather out properly, so new doors will also help us keep our energy costs down.
It’s also time to upgrade our security system to something more modern and easier to use. Believe it or not, we have had a couple of minor vandalism events in recent history, even on idyllic Lopez! Thankfully, no harm was really done, and we would like to keep it that way.
Any excess funds will be used for other maintenance projects at the museum, such as lifting and putting new supports under our slowly sinking farm equipment…
We encourage you to hop on over to www.givelopez.org to donate and see the nine other island entities that are participating in GiveLopez this year. They all have great missions!