Art Raffle
Win a beautiful carved cedar salmon, original pastel or original watercolor. These pieces, all by Lopez artists, were donated to the Historical Society to help fund museum operations in 2015.
Explore the Museum: News
Win a beautiful carved cedar salmon, original pastel or original watercolor. These pieces, all by Lopez artists, were donated to the Historical Society to help fund museum operations in 2015.
Community Picnic
July 25 • 11am – 3pm
You bring blankets and your picnic lunch we’ll provide the entertainment
An Afternoon Aboard the ‘Mystic Sea’
June 27, 2015
Our first big event this summer is Lopez History Afloat 3, an Afternoon Aboard the Mystic Sea on June 27. Lopez historians Jack Giard, Bob Hughes and Ralph Bladt will join master story-teller and long-time Lopezian, Captain Monte Hughes, to narrate a beautiful trip around Lopez Island on the 100ft. Mystic Sea. We’ll leave Spencer’s Landing Marina at noon, planning to return at 4:00.
Our new exhibit is “Salmon was King,” showing the history of Lopez Island’s fishing industry divided into three 40-year eras. April 25
We have lots of projects in the works for 2015, beginning with our museum members opening on April 24. Members
July 26, 2014 We’re hosting a community picnic on July 26, starting at 11:00 on the museum grounds. You bring
Not All Women Wore Bonnets… Our new exhibit is “Brave, Bold, Beautiful: Lopez Women,” a look at some of the
An Afternoon Aboard the Mystic Sea June 28, 2014 This unique guided history tour by master story-teller and long-time Lopezian,
May, 2014 Exhibit: Signature Quilts as Carriers of Community & Women’s History Friday, May 9, 2014 to Sunday, May 18,
July 20, 2013 Please join us at the Port Stanley School on July 20 at 7:00 pm for: Live Performances
Giant Creative Commerce, Nancy Nordhoff, Pamela McCabe, Randall & Karen Wilburn, Yvonne Israel-O’Hare & Dave O’Hare, Rob Hummel, Islanders Insurance, Spencer’s Landing, Windermere Real Estate Lopez / Annie Albritton, Charles Givens, Karen & Gary Alexander, Duane & Audrey Bordvick, Eric Meng & Anne Cady, Doug Johnson & Brigitte Fortin, George LeBoutillier, Lauren & Jamie Stephens, Spud & Karen Grimes, Dianne Pressenda, Mary Fagerholm Reece, Karen Rousseau, Jodi Green & Mike Halperin, Scott & Suzi Jennings, Paul Henriksen & Christa Campbell, Tom Ruggles & Gayle Isbell, Terry Larson & Nora McCloy, John & Carol Whetten, Steven Phelps