Not All Women Wore Bonnets…
Our new exhibit is “Brave, Bold, Beautiful: Lopez Women,” a look at some of the notable and accomplished women in Lopez Island’s past.
Lopez women were intrepid, enthusiastically participating in the male-dominated world of farming, fishing, and shopkeeping. They were postmistresses, hoteliers, cannery workers, music teachers, and switchboard operators. “Brave, Bold & Beautiful” showcases Lopez women from different eras, all working to make Lopez Island the place we love.
Generously sponsored by: Islanders Insurance, Spencer’s Landing Marina, Richardson Fuel, Lopez Island Pharmacy, Lopez Village Market, Mitrebox Contracting, Jamie & Lauren Stephens, Cloud Islands, Edenwild Inn, On-Site Island Services, Doug James Floor Coverings, Karen Rousseau, Lopez Sand & Gravel, Mike Halperin & Jodi Green, Nancy & Charles Givens, Spud & Karen Grimes, Gary & Karen Alexander, Steve & Michele Heller, Nancy Nordhoff, Jim & Nancy Kenagy, Duane & Audrey Bordvick, Dianne Pressenda, Raiti Waerness.