Troy Olsen & Jack Giard – We’re grateful to Troy and Jack for rescheduling this very special talk about the history of reef net salmon fishing. Troy Olsen and his partner Shirley Williams are the founders of Whiteswan Environmental, and Lhaq’temish (Lummi) tribal members instrumental in reviving this ancient Straits Salish fishing tradition. Jack Giard is a long-time Lopez reef net fisherman and a member of the Fraser River Panel of the Pacific Salmon Commission.
Sxwo’le (reef net) is an ancient form of salmon fishing unique to a small area centered on the San Juan Islands. Our panelists will discuss the deep cultural history of this fishing method, and how its more recent history has been tied to the politics and health of the Fraser River sockeye fishery.
$10 Suggested donation at the door. Saturday, October 1st, 7:30pm at Lopez Center for Community and the Arts.