1:00PM-4:00PM, Sunday, October 22, Lopez Museum, 28 Washburn Pl
Join Lopez Museum and Kwiaht for a celebration of heritage apples and community apple pressing!
Once known as the Fruit Basket of Washington, the San Juan Islands and Lopez have a long history of cultivating orchard fruit. Learn about the diverse and rare array of heritage apple varieties that still thrive on Lopez today.
We will have grinders and presses available for community use, unique varietals to taste, and seasonal treats.
Bring a jug, a mug, and tote of apples (if you’ve got one) and help us celebrate autumn and biodiversity on Lopez!
This event is supported in part by WSDA specialty crop block grant funding.
Photo ID: (left to right) Cedarbough with Susan Bill, Paul Fragnoli, his mom Pamela Maresten behind, Mia Fragnoli, Steven Wrubleski, Stanley Greenthal and Edi Blomberg (back to the camera), holding Zack Blomberg. Cider Pressing 1976,