Nobility Blankets: Coast Salish women’s role in an economy of generosity
7:00-8:30PM, Thursday, November 9, Lopez Community Center, 204 Village Rd. Join Leslie Eastwood as she will share examples of Coast
Explore the Museum: News
7:00-8:30PM, Thursday, November 9, Lopez Community Center, 204 Village Rd. Join Leslie Eastwood as she will share examples of Coast
1:00PM-4:00PM, Sunday, October 22, Lopez Museum, 28 Washburn Pl Join Lopez Museum and Kwiaht for a celebration of heritage apples
Giant Creative Commerce, Nancy Nordhoff, Pamela McCabe, Randall & Karen Wilburn, Yvonne Israel-O’Hare & Dave O’Hare, Rob Hummel, Islanders Insurance, Spencer’s Landing, Windermere Real Estate Lopez / Annie Albritton, Charles Givens, Karen & Gary Alexander, Duane & Audrey Bordvick, Eric Meng & Anne Cady, Doug Johnson & Brigitte Fortin, George LeBoutillier, Lauren & Jamie Stephens, Spud & Karen Grimes, Dianne Pressenda, Mary Fagerholm Reece, Karen Rousseau, Jodi Green & Mike Halperin, Scott & Suzi Jennings, Paul Henriksen & Christa Campbell, Tom Ruggles & Gayle Isbell, Terry Larson & Nora McCloy, John & Carol Whetten, Steven Phelps