Our new exhibit is “Salmon was King,” showing the history of Lopez Island’s
fishing industry divided into three 40-year eras.
April 25 – September 30, 2015
Wednesday through Sunday • Noon to 4
Museum Members Reception
April 24 • 5-7pm
Millions of salmon spawn in the innumerable rivers and streams of the Pacific Northwest. As they reach maturity in the Pacific Ocean and return to their birthplace in a four-year cycle, fishing boat operators try to impede their journey. The southern shore of Lopez is one of the best salmon fishing spots. Most sockeye salmon (the most prized variety) swim off the south end of Lopez and Salmon Banks off San Juan Island. They mill around for several weeks in late July and early August before heading north, giving Lopez fishers a chance to catch their fair share.
From the 1890s to the 1970s, the fishing industry dominated Lopez Island’s economy. Fishing methods changed dramatically after fish traps were outlawed in 1934 and again after a controversial court ruling in 1974. Salmon was King shows the history of the Lopez fishing industry divided into three 40-year eras.
Generously sponsored by: Islanders Insurance, Spencer’s Landing Marina, Richardson Fuel, Lopez Island Pharmacy, Lopez Village Market, Jamie & Lauren Stephens, Cloud Islands, On-Site Island Services, Islander Resort, Karen Rousseau, Lopez Sand & Gravel, Mike Halperin & Jodi Green, Nancy & Charles Givens, Spud & Karen Grimes, Ande & Scott Finley, Bob & Becky Smith, Charlie & Margot Janeway, Dave & Barbara Thomas, Doug & Marcia Stevenson, Mary Fagerholm Reece, Ralph Bladt & Barbara Fulton, Scott & Suzi Jennings, Gary & Karen Alexander, Nancy Nordhoff, Duane & Audrey Bordvick, Dianne Pressenda, Raiti Waerness.