Community Picnic
July 25 • 11am – 3pm
You bring blankets and your picnic lunch we’ll provide the entertainment
Music • Stories for kids adults • Children’s activities
Your Place is Lopez History Timeline • Pioneer families
Generously sponsored by: Islanders Insurance, Spencer’s Landing Marina, Richardson Fuel, Lopez Island Pharmacy, Lopez Village Market, Cloud Islands, On-Site Island Services, Islander Resort, Karen Rousseau, Lopez Sand & Gravel, Mike Halperin & Jodi Green, Nancy & Charles Givens, Spud & Karen Grimes, Ande & Scott Finley, Bob & Becky Smith, Dave & Barbara Thomas, Mary Fagerholm Reece, Ralph Bladt & Barbara Fulton, Scott & Suzi Jennings, Jim Pinkham & Sue Crockett, Tom Ruggles & Gayle Isbell, Stepper & George LeBoutillier, Gary & Karen Alexander, Nancy Nordhoff, Duane & Audrey Bordvick, Dianne Pressenda, Raiti Waerness. In Loving Memory of Anne Kemp Hummel. With support from Humanities WA.
(360)468-2049 or for more info