Update: the quilt is finished! Stop by the museum to see this beautiful quilt, which features nearly 600 signatures.
Three Lopez Island quilters, Laurie Latta, Anne Dawson and Karen Alexander, decided this spring it was time to create a very special Lopez Island Signature Quilt. They presented the idea to the Lopez Historical Society, and with the LIHS board’s enthusiastic approval, the project was launched at the Big Event in July.
This project seeks to collect signatures and the “Lopez Story” of everyone who thinks of Lopez as “home.” Whether you are a fulltime, part time or summer resident, or have family ties to the island, the Historical Society wants to know your “Lopez Story.” How did you discover Lopez? What makes the Island meaningful to you? Why do you call Lopez home?
The trio is now in the process of collecting stories and signatures throughout the entire Lopez Island community and they want yours!
The Lopez Island 2010 Signature Quilt and all stories turned in will become a permanent part of the Lopez Island Historical Society’s archives to give future generations a peek at who was here at the beginning of the 21st century and what brought each of us to Lopez Island.
You can download the signature form below, or stop by the Museum and pick one up. Contact Anne Dawson at The Quilters Studio (360-468-4677) if you have specific questions. You may arrange with Karen Alexander if you would like a brief talk given to your group about the project.
Karen Alexander is still collecting family stories to add to the museum’s archives. Please contact her at the museum. She is also available if you would like a brief talk given to your group about the project.